Growing Young Artists

In July I was invited as the artist-in-residence at the Saugatuck Center for the Arts (SCA) for two weeks. I had a fantastic time working with the children of migrant workers creating masks that represented their personal journey. Thanks so much for all the help of the teaching artists and the SCA staff. Today is the last "Fiesta" celebration. 

Final day of mask-making. 

Final day of mask-making. 

Cardboard and paper mâché masks.

Cardboard and paper mâché masks.

Museo Rafael Larco Herrera Lima, Perú

I've never seen so much in so little. / Nunca había visto tanto en tan poco tiempo.

The Museum Deposit os open to the public en has over 39000 original ceramic pieces. El depósito del museo esta disponible al público y tiene mas de 39000 piezas originales de cerámica.

The Museum Deposit os open to the public en has over 39000 original ceramic pieces. El depósito del museo esta disponible al público y tiene mas de 39000 piezas originales de cerámica.